
Showing posts with the label SOFT SKILLS

Body Language in Communication Skill ( बॉडी लैंगुएज कैसे यूज़ करें - इंग्लिश में अच्छे से बात करें बिना डेरे ) - Tips to develop excellent COMMUNICATION SKILL

What is Body Language ???? Body Language क्या हे???? NON VERBAL COMMUNICATION Body language  is a type of  nonverbal communication  in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used to express or convey the information. Such behavior includes  facial expressions , body posture,  gestures , eye movement, touch and the use of space. When we speak with anyone in English or in any other language, with the uses of words we also use our expressions, body movements. These are called as using Body Language . Body Language Spoken Words Tone of Voice Important Parts in Effective Communication Communications Skills can be devided into two types. 1 - Verbal Communication 2 - Non Verbal Communication Body language is a part of Non Verbal Communication. People in the workplace  can convey a great deal  of information without  even speaking; through          nonverbal  communication.  What we are trying to deliver...

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